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4-h club meeting, 1986
4-H club meeting, 2001
4-H Food Show winners, 1986
4-H member Mary Drew with prizewinning dress, 1986
4-H member Melinda Hohertz, 1984
4-H member Nishi Whiteley and sheep, 1986
4-H member Nishi Whiteley, 1985
4-H member Nishi Whiteley, 1986
4-H member Tommy Shifflett at the Austin Livestock Show, 1964
4-H members Amy Alexander and Nishi Whiteley sewing, 1986
4-H members Barbara Masi and Nishi Whiteley, 1984
4-H members picking chickens for show, 1983
4-H method demonstration, 1984
4-H rabbit show, 1983
4-H senior level member Calvin Hamann, 1951
4-H summer camp, 1981
Cele 4-H swine showmanship, 1995
Extension Agent Opal Washington cooking at food show, 1985
Extension Agent Opal Washington speaking to 4-H members, 1986
Manchaca 4-H parade, 1983
National 4-H Congress, 1941
Newspaper clipping, 1988
Rabbit show, 1983
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