Commissioners Court Records
Minutes and indexes of the Travis County Commissioner Court proceedings
County Clerk Records
Records of the County Clerk, including livestock marks and brands, road books, and poor farm ledger
County Surveyor Records
Indexes and typed transcript of indexes to Travis County Survey Record books, dating from the 1800s-early 1900s.
COVID-19 Materials
Materials documenting the COVID-19 pandemic and Travis County's response efforts
District Attorney Press Releases
Press releases from the office of the District Attorney
District Clerk Records
Select records of the District Courts, including early civil and criminal minutes, Sweatt v. Painter, the Servant Girl murder case papers, and Ben Thompson court records
Facilities Management Department Records
Blueprints of the historic Heman Marion Sweatt Travis County Courthouse
Justice of the Peace Records
Select inquests from the offices of the Justices of the Peace
Media Services
Select videos created and produced by Travis County Media Services.
Naturalization Records
Naturalization records of the District and County Clerks dating from 1887-1906
Oral Histories
Oral histories collected by the Travis County Archives in collaboration with Travis County Media Services, on a variety of topics relating to Travis County history
Travis County Extension Service
Historical reports of the Travis County Extension Service dating from the 1950s
Travis County Historical Commission Records
Records of the Travis County Historical Commission, which was established in 1963 to identify, research and recognize historic sites and buildings in Travis County
Travis County History Day
Videos and photographs from Travis County History Day, an annual event that celebrates the history of Travis County.
Webberville & Manor History
Documents relating to the early history of Webberville and Manor